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Thursday, January 08 2015

Based on Luke 1:26-38

Sermon written and delivered by Elizabeth Lahti-Rosensaft (Dec.21, 2014)

As a child growing up in the Missouri Synod Lutheran Church, there was 

little to no mention of Mary, except in reference to Jesus’s birth. As my 

daughter used to say about birthing a baby, the Mom “popped” him 

out. Easier said than done! All of you Moms out there know that! I was 

told that “Mary” was someone for Catholics and no further mentioned 

was made. I always did wonder about Mary, though; especially when I 

myself was pregnant during the Christmas season.  Who was Mary? 

What was she thinking when Gabriel sought her out? What would 

Mary’s friends and family think? What would her village think? What 

was Jesus’s family life like? How did Mary cope with raising the Messiah 

and then being present at his crucifixion? All this I pondered; who was 

this “favored one”?

WHO WAS SHE: Mary was not of a wealthy or noble family. She was 

likely a 12 or 13 year old girl and already betrothed to marriage. That is 

hard to understand by today’s standards; a sixth or 7th grader! I don’t 

know about you, but I certainly wasn’t ready for motherhood at that 

age.  There was nothing outwardly remarkable about this young virgin 

Jewish girl, yet we know her destiny was spectacular because she had 

obedience to God that was unshakable.

Where was Mary when the Angel Gabriel came to her? Was she 

preparing a meal? Getting a bucket of water or out taking a walk under 

the stars of Nazareth? What was life like for a teenage girl of those 

days? Did she have girlfriends, siblings? Was she close to her Mom? 

Was she very much in love with Joseph and thoughtfully planning their 

new life together?

THE ANGEL VISITS: Can any of us even imagine what it would be like to 

just see the Angel?  I know I would probably clutch my heart at just the 

vision, never mind what the Angel was going to say! “Greetings, 

Favored One! The Lord is with you.” She must have shown some fear 

because then the Angel says, “Do not be afraid, Mary.” Gabriel goes on 

to tell her, “and you will conceive in your womb and bear a son.” Mary 

had to be wondering what her family would think of this…what her 

fiancée would think? Would he break off the engagement? What would 

the village say…in those days, women were stoned to death for being 

pregnant and not yet married. There was much to be afraid of.

 Gabriel tells her “how” she is to become “with child” and then adds, 

“Your child will be holy and called Son of God.” Wow! That certainly is a 

lot to take in, especially for one so young. Mary may have been thinking 

this could not be so and that is when Gabriel throws this bit of 

information her way. “Your relative Elizabeth, in her old age, has also 

conceived a son; this is the 6th month for her who was said to be 

barren.” So now Mary has a trusted cousin to verify this experience. I 

know I would be calling up my cousin really fast to discuss this on my 

cell phone, but in reality, it was probably a long, hot and dusty donkey 


Mary had asked a few questions of the Angel and then responded, 

“Here am I, servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your 

word.” Imagine: The whole of creation hung on the answer of a young 


THE MARY HEART: Whatever plans Mary might have been dreaming 

about prior to the Angel’s visit would have to be forgotten. There are 

sacrifices and surprises when we turn over our will and follow God. 

Mary accepts in blind faith…”Yes, Lord, even though I am very 

pregnant, I will go on a bumpy donkey ride to Bethlehem with my 

husband.” “Yes, Lord...I’ll settle for a stable to give birth.” “Yes, Lord. I’ll 

agree to let all those shepherds and animals see my baby.” “Yes, Lord. 

I’ll let my son leave home to be an itinerant preacher.” “Yes, I’ll follow 

my son, even to the foot of his cross.” Are these easy things to agree 

with? No, I don’t think I could do it.  But Mary says, “Yes” to God over 

and over.  Mary’s faith came first and all else fell into place.

 Mary surrendered her heart to God in everything she did.  That alone 

is why she should be recognized…a wonderful example to us all.  This 

young Jewish girl can teach us, by example, how to be better 

Christians…how to have a “Mary Heart”.  Someone once said that it is 

easy to do the will of God until it comes at cross purposes with our own 

will. It is then that the lines are drawn, the inner debate begins and the 

self-deception starts. Better to have a “Mary Heart” …a soul at rest and 

a body in motion.

I PONDER AS I WANDER: Mary probably felt that she was an unlikely 

candidate of God’s will. She couldn’t advance herself and also advance 

the will of God. It is said that she “treasured up all these things and 

pondered them in her heart.” (Luke 2:19) Mary probably knew a lot of 

things but didn’t feel the need to share them with anyone. I know most 

of us like to think our children are the best and may brag about them 

from time to time. Anyone here think their kids or grandkids are the 

best? I may have told a few ShopRite clerks about Mia’s full academic 

scholarship and anyone else who would listen! Quietly pondering is not 

natural for me! How did Mary control herself NOT to talk about her 

son? She was raising the Messiah! Perhaps she was privy to some of his 

special skills? Remember the wedding in Cana when she directs the 

conversation to Jesus “They are out of wine”? In my years as a reader 

of detective novels, I know a specific detail is not mentioned like that 

for NO REASON. Was Mary implying that Jesus turn water into wine? 

What things had she witnessed in the past? What did his brothers think 

about this?

 This brings me to ponder what Jesus was like as a young boy. We don’t 

hear much until he is 12 and seemingly, had run away from home. How 

Mary must have suffered and worried! He was found after 3 days in the 

Temple, “I must be about my father’s business”. Eerie foreshadowing of 

the crucifixion, don’t you think?  Jesus doesn’t seem at all to notice his 

mother’s alarm and is very matter of fact about the event. Later in his 

life, after some time away from his family, his followers point out that 

his mother and brothers came to hear him speak. Jesus counters with 

“everyone who follows God is my brother, sister or mother.”  He, like 

God, saw the bigger picture, but Mary had a Mom’s heart and worried 

about his well-being. Mary had to feel some hurt mingled with her 



probably wondered why God chose her to be the mother to Jesus. 

“Why me, Lord?” As we read the Bible, we see that God’s requirements 

in selecting people to do great things sometimes come as a surprise.  

God uses the most unlikely people in the most unusual ways to 

perform His most perfect will.

Moses, a man known for having a speech impediment, was called by 

God to confront Pharaoh who was enslaving the Jews.  How could he 

do this without being a laughing stock? God said he would be with 

Moses and he was.

God used Paul, the biggest persecutor of the church to bring people to 

faith.  How can that be? With God, everything is possible.

David, the shepherd boy and youngest of his family, was selected for 

greatness. God made it happen.

God’s work didn’t stop with the Bible. We are living out “Bible Stories” 

all the time. Does anyone have an example of how God worked in their 

lives through an unlikely person? I’m sure you can think of some “God-

Incidences”. My Grandfather was a raging alcoholic and would have 

kept on that way except for a hole he fell into and broke his leg. He 

awoke in the hospital and pleaded with God to help him get right with 

Him before he died.  My Grandfather stopped drinking, started going to 

church, built a business with my Dad that is 87 years old today and still 

thriving. God is always credited with the success…much like 

Thrivent…”our hands, God’s work.”

This week at the hospital I saw a distraught new Mom and Dad with 

their 3 week old baby girl. Little Dana (names changed) had already 

been to several hospitals and told that her condition was terminal. 

Dana had been baptized and given last rites…her little body riddled with 

tumors and already paralyzed. Her healthy twin sister, Anna, was at 

home being cared for by the Mom’s divorced parents. The new father 

was very upset with God. Why didn’t his daughter have a chance in life? 

She never got to grow up and do anything! I told them the truth, I don’t 

know why this is happening but all we can see is a tiny part of the big 

picture.  Maybe later down the road, it will be evident how this tragedy 

can be something positive in their lives.   The new Mom continued to 

rock her baby and had a quiet smile.  In a small voice she said, “My 

parents had a horrible divorce and I can’t believe how well they are 

getting along now taking care of Dana’s twin, Anna, for us.” The 

husband admitted it was a miracle; usually the divorced grandparents 

were at each other’s throats! I bent to touch little Dana’s head; she had 

such a beautiful smile. “What power you have Dana…to bring peace to 

this family,” I said,” God is working through you”.  A three week old 

dying baby girl is an unlikely candidate of God’s. I believe she was 

chosen to do great things in her short little life…with her little Mary 


I, too, am an unlikely candidate of God’s. If you had told me 10 years 

ago I would be a Hospital Chaplain at Jersey Shore I would have said 

you were crazy. God works miracles with our “messes” but only when 

we open ourselves up to Him…allowing Him into our lives…to have a 

“Mary Heart”. I am amazed at my life and where it has been and where 

it is now. Working as a Hospital Chaplain is an awe inspiring job. My 

faith continues to grow as I see God at work every day. I am humbled 

that He has entrusted me with His sick children.

What is God calling you to do? Listen to the voice of your heart and 

follow Him. Have a Mary Heart and say, “Here I am”.

Posted by: Elizabeth Lahti-Rosensaft AT 06:21 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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